Thursday, 28 February 2013

Rise up public

It hasn’t been long since the ferocious phenomenon of the Delhi gang rape case has grounded on the soils of the capital city of India. Neither the outrage nor fury of the common people from all around the country whose speculation can’t be ignored has occurred long ago and has also settled down. But the analytical question that rises is why steps are being taken ensuing certain criminal activities and not prior to that?
                             It’s not only the government that needs to act on these circumstances but also it’s the sole responsibility of the public and common people to wake up and wake up early. Speaking on this context, its not unknown to us that we had an eye witness for the gang rape event who clearly stated in his verdict that there were a couple of people who could sense the horrible phenomenon from South Delhi to Palang Vihar hovering a distance of 31.4 kms. But no one portrayed guts enough to make an attempt to analyze whats going on inside the bus and step inside to obstruct it. Now this in referendum to something we refer to as ‘guts’, but what about humanity? When the two bodies were thrown out from the bus on to the streets of Palang Vihar, why didn’t the intimate feeling of consciousness and humanity rise among the public to take these bodies to hospital or call the police? It was after two hours that the Delhi police on its procedure of patrolling has discovered the two bodies and admitted them to hospital. After all these incidents, all of a sudden there ran a disposition of rage and fury among people from all over the country bursting out their anger in the form of protests and blaming government for no provisions of enough safety for women in Delhi.
             We as citizens have certain amount of responsibility towards the society. We should have certain attributes which should similarise those of our reflex action hitting our senses instantly. Before pointing fingers at others, its actually wise to make sure that no one point fingers on us. The public should be active enough to sense their duties and responsibilities as accomplished acquaintance. Counseling is one of the most considerable factors to acquire in order to accomplish the responsibility and duties of the common people. The rest obviously rests on our self consciousness and mental apprehension.

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